Article 1 - Name
The name of the League shall be known as the Hi-Way 14 Hockey League (HW14HL).
Article 2 - Objects
The League shall operate within the framework, and shall abide by all bylaws and regulations, as set out by the Saskatchewan Hockey Association (SHA).
The Objectives of the League shall be;
To foster and promote the level of hockey under its jurisdiction in West Central Saskatchewan.
To control and administer the playing of the game of hockey in accordance with the rules, regulations and etiquette of the game.
To recognize the whole hockey player - as an individual with specific social, educational and physical needs.
Article 3 - Membership
Membership to this league shall be available to Minor Hockey Associations within the West Central geographical area within the Province of Saskatchewan. The League will work in conjunction with the Saskatchewan Hockey Association (SHA) to ensure teams are placed in the appropriate Division that is in the best interest of Hockey in the Province.
Each registered team is empowered to administer and conduct its affairs in accordance with the bylaws and regulations as established by the Minor Hockey Association they are a member of and those established for the HW14HL.
Any violation of the constitution, the bylaws and regulations of this league or the SHA or Hockey Canada regulations, by any member of this league, shall render such member liable to disciplinary action and/or suspension as may be deemed necessary.
No Member Minor Hockey Association shall be entitled to be represented and/or have voting privileges at the Annual Meeting of this league, unless its financial commitments to the league are fully paid and they are deemed to be in good standing with the League.
The Annual Membership Fee shall be established at the Annual Meeting. This Membership Fee from each Member Association for each team is payable to the League by a date determined at the Annual Meeting and must be paid before such team can participate in any approved league, exhibition or tournament games. All team privileges are automatically lost upon default of any monies due the League. The Membership Fee shall be reviewed annually.
Member Minor Hockey Associations shall all be required to post or maintain its performance bond annually at an amount as determined at the Annual Meeting.
Article 4 - Board of Directors and Executive Committee
The Board of Directors for the HW14HL shall consist of the Executive Committee and two Directors from each Member Minor Hockey Association.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer and a Commissioner for each age division within the league.
The President shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the League. The Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer will be elected to two year terms in alternating years.
The Referee-in-Chief and League Statistician shall be an appointed by the President, in consultation with the Executive Committee, prior to the commencement of each playing season.
Directors for each Member Minor Hockey Association must be appointed annually by the Annual Meeting of the League by the Minor Hockey Association.
No member of the Executive Committee shall be permitted to represent an individual member Minor Hockey Association at any meeting of the League.
The Directors of each Member Minor Hockey Association shall be the voting members of the Board of Directors and shall have one vote each to a maximum of two per member MHA, except the President who shall only vote in the case of a tie. Executive Committee members shall only have a vote within Executive Committee meetings.
At all Meetings of the Board of Directors, a quorum shall consist of three-quarters of the voting members being present.
The Duties and Powers of the Executive Committee shall be established via the Bylaws determined by the Board of Directors.
Article 5 - Elections
5.01 Nominations may be received for the following Executive Committee positions;
Vice President
The Board of Directors has the authority to appoint individuals to vacant Executive Committee positions if no nominations have been received.
5.02 For voting purposes, the established order of voting is as outlined in Article 5, 501.
5.03 A candidate defeated for a position in the above order of voting may be nominated through a mover and seconder from the floor for any position lower in the order of voting.
5.04 Any Executive Committee member must be elected by an absolute majority of the votes cast. If no winner is declared on the first ballot, the candidate with the fewest votes will be eliminated from the second ballot and so on, until one candidate attains an absolute majority.
5.05 The ballots shall not be destroyed until a motion to that effect has been approved by the delegates.
Article 6 - Meetings
6.01 Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the HW14HL shall be held no later than May 1st annually to be held in a central location or a location of the President’s choice.
6.02 There shall be a minimum of two (2) Board of Directors Meetings held per year with one being the Annual General Meeting and one in the fall. At the call of the President, more than the minimum can be held. A minimum of seven days notice, along with the forum of the meetings, shall be given to all Board Members. A fine of $100 will be assessed for each meeting not attended by any active association in the HW14HL.
Article 7 - Amendments to the Constitution
7.01 The Constitution may be amended at the HW14HL Annual Meeting with the proposed amendment submitted in writing to the Secretary-Treasurer a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting. Amendments require a 2/3 rd majority vote for adoption.
7.02 The Bylaws may be amended at the HW14HL Annual Meeting with the proposed amendment submitted in writing to the Secretary a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting. Amendments require a majority vote for adoption.
Article 8 - Consistency
8.01 Where the provisions of the HW14HL Constitution, Bylaws and/or Regulations are inconsistent with the Constitution, Bylaws and Regulations of Hockey Canada (HC) and the Saskatchewan Hockey Association (SHA), the HC and SHA Constitution, Bylaws and Regulations shall prevail.
Article 9 - Winding Up
9.01 In the event of dissolution of the League, the assets, after payment of all liabilities, shall be divided in an equitable manner and donated to the Saskatchewan Hockey Association Legacy Fund.